Facebook Search Engine

What is fbsearches: A Facebook Search Engine?

fbsearches is a custom made Search Engine for Facebook which helps you find the information you need on Facebook. This website is not owned by Facebook. This is a simple search engine dedicated to reddit. Searchfacebook helps you search any topic on facebook and find the maximum amount of information on that topic from facebook. It uses google search algorithm to display the top relevant search results about the topic on facebook. You can also sort the search results by date to find the latest information available about that topic on facebook

How it works?

Search for any topic you want in the search Engine provided above. The website uses google custom search engine API to match your search results to the posts and comments made on facebook. This allows you to gather more information from facebook on the particular topic. Once you hit the search button, it might take a couple of seconds to open the link in the reddit app or browser. If you are using this website on a mobile device, once you open the link after making your search you might be asked to choose whether you want to open the link using facebook or browser. Choose the one you prefer to proceed and the website will open the facebook post or profile link you clicked on in the facebook website or app. To come back to the search page just press the back button on your mobile device.